I’m a huge podcast fan (e.g., The 404, Stuff You Should Know, The Dice Tower). You name it, and I’ll listen to it. Unless it’s scary. Then I’m out.

But one of my coworkers is a cohost on the Play Some Video Games (PSVG), so I decided to bring their logo to life:

If you don’t listen to podcasts, now is the time to begin. I learn so much while doing mindless tasks (laundry, dishes, getting ready in the morning, commuting to work).

If you’re into video games, Play Some Video Games is a great place to start. Here is what you’re looking for when you go to subscribe to his podcast:

Play Some Video Games (PSVG) podcast

If you have a favorite podcast, please share it below–I am always looking for new ones!

Or reach out to me if you would like your podcast’s logo to come to life.